Heartworm Disease
Heartworm Disease is a serious, deadly disease wherever mosquitoes are present. Each year thousands of pets become permanently debilitated or die from lung, heart or circulatory problems caused by heartworms. Your pet can have heartworms for several months before symptoms are obvious. By then the disease may be difficult or impossible to treat successfully.
Symptoms An infected pet becomes less active and tires easily. Coughing, weight loss, chronic fatigue and fainting may appear in advanced disease stages. Adult heartworms are found in the heart, lungs and major blood vessels. Secondary liver and kidney disease may result. Heartworms can grow from 5 to 14 inches long. In advanced cases, a hundred or more worms have been found in a single heart.
Diagnosis requires laboratory testing of a blood sample. Advances have been made in recent years for more precise testing methods by your veterinarian.
Successful Treatment depends on early detection & close veterinary supervision. After permanent damage occurs, prognosis is poor.
FACT… All dogs and cats, regardless of age, sex, size or breed, are at risk wherever mosquitoes are present. It takes only ONE infected mosquito to infect your pet.
FACT… Even when you do not have mosquitoes in your area, if you take your pet with you to areas where mosquitoes are present, your pet is at risk.
FACT… Heartworm Disease can kill your pet.
FACT… Effective, easy-to-use preventive medication can save your pet’s life!